Monday, January 4, 2010

perspectives on a new adventure

"“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul.” -John Muir.

I walked into class today with the thoughts, "man im tired, and would like to go back to bed" and I left class thinking, "okay new goal in life: to see all the national parks in the world"
I have professor Bruce. and I have invasive species. and I wanted zebra mussels, but susan pogues group beat us, our group chose heads and it landed on tails.
so my group...well..the group im in... its not "my group" is doing English Ivy. oh joy of fun. actually im quite excited about the class. because im a nature buff, or as my site manager from my nursing home calls me, "her little treehugger" gotta love it. I also learned a lot just being in the first class today.
within those glorious three hours.
it wasn't as bad as it sounds. it wasn't bad at all actually.
its a shame how much people abuse the beauty of our land. I learned about the Appalachians. and how coal mines changed the relationship between people and the land. because of this ugly thing called coal people decided to start running around and tearing up as much nature as they could, and in doing so infected people's land and the wildlife that surrounds it. that is in it. that lives there. stripmining. it increased flooding. but worst of all is mountain top removal. its where they tear off the top of the mountain... and it no longer even looks like a mountain...

Hey sally, My name is peter. i know you take advantage of the candies i give you, but heres some flowers anyways... because they are really pretty and i love you, and want you to have them...even though you don't deserve them.
Hey peter, thank you for the flowers.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
she blows the flowers up...
or ... cuts off the petals...

its the same thing.
here we are, given these gorgeous mountains... that not EVERY COUNTRY...or STATE has... and what do we want to do?... oh... here lemme tell you.
we enjoy blowing them up so we can get..this little thing called coal.
didn't you know coal is given to the mean and stingy kids for christmas?... HELLO DONT YOU READ THE SANTA BOOKS!
i realize what coal is used for... but i mean really????
... i need to stop... im going to really put myself in a bad mood...and then i'll be up all night. and i have a field trip tomorrow, and must get some sleep.

i think im going to really like this class.
and im going to be really heartfelt through it. i am a very passionate person. a lot of people who are close to me know this... and i can get out of control sometimes...
thats just who i am. take it or leave it.
i also believe i am going to really like my group. im with a bunch of smart kids, so i expect to gain a lot of deep and really thought out conversations.

I am going to blog tomorrow about a thought I had while on facebook.
yes, like i said... facebook is taking over the world.
it actually scares me..
i do fear facebook.
until then,

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