Wednesday, December 9, 2009

i wanna

have the same last dream again. the one where i wake up and im alive.
im the first to know my dearest friends, that even when your hope is burnt with time...
you will be fine.

have you ever noticed how beautiful the world is?
im talking... how truly indescribably pretty our world is. our earth. our nature. our trees. our grass. our flowers. our sky. our sun. our moon.
if there is one good thing about being in east tennessee it is the mountains. and the beauty that just completely surrounds and overtakes us.
I have this boyfriend. and hes pretty much the most amazing person.
he took me to the firetower to see the sunset.
and i was speechless.
it was so beautiful. and it made me thankful to live where i am. i thought of all the people in the world who dont get to witness such a life changing experience as the sun setting over the mountains and the hills of east tennessee. the wind blowing my face to almost complete numbness, but it didn't even matter. because i felt warm in seeing the beauty God has blessed me with.
Of course as i was walking back down the tower i noticed a bunch of profanity and of course the must be drawn on EVERY WALL penis... because we are SO MATURE
really people?
i mean... REALLY!!!!!???????
the fact that there is a place for us to go anytime we want to just go out and be with nature, and some STUPID kids decide to take advantage of this opportunity and draw something like a PENIS!???... i swear, sometimes i am ashamed to be a human. so my plan is I want to repaint the firetower. of course, i realize i would have to get permission. but i want to paint it. because there are older couples that go out there to view the gorgeous landscaping, and they shouldn't have to see some of the garbage that some stupid kids have decided to "joke around" and paint it on the walls.
i am sorry, but just makes me sick.

you know there are so many people who dont have a place to view such a grand view as watching the sun set... or the sun rise... you would think we would be more appreciative, and respectful... but then again... who am i kidding? haha. wow.

well, anyways, besides that.
today was very much needed and amazing.
i finished both of my exams, and let me tell you i aced that bib studies... at least i felt really good about it.
i finished my french exam today, and i feel pretty good about it too.
i worked really hard this semester. and i loved it. being busy, yet changing lives, and having my own life changed.
i love maryville college.
i wouldn't dare go anywhere else.
i wouldn't have enjoyed it anywhere else.
not only because of bonner, but because of the school itself.
the wonderful professors, and the amazing people.
it was totally worth working my ... butt... off to get to go to this school.

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures turned out very well. I shalt not lie, I have greatly enjoyed reading your blogs. I have even learned a few things. I had a great time at the fire tower. We will do it again in the spring when the landscape begins to bloom. I'm incredibly proud of you.
