Tuesday, November 24, 2009


First of all, I would like to really apologize for not taking time to post a blog. I have been so busy the last couple of weeks, it has been awful, just simply awful. I am so ready for christmas break it is ridiculous. I have three papers to write over Thanksgiving, but I figure I can get them all out of the way tomorrow. then i'll have thursday and friday for myself, and sleep. oh man, sleep sounds so nice. I have only gotten sixteen hours of sleep in the last three days. And that is a lot compared to what some of these poor souls get in four days!

I was talking to someone who stayed up all night, and I just couldn't do it. I have to at least get some sleepage or im miserable the next day, and I look like im high because my eyes are bloodshot. Sleep is my friend, not my enemy. far from my enemy.

Its funny how things can get really really hectic and then you forget to take a minute to just relax. things get so stressful that it seems to stress out everything else in your life. relationships. friendships. family. even my poor cat gets the bad end of the deal.
But its even MORE funny when you see something that just simply makes you laugh, and makes you think that life isn't as bad as you make it out to be. College isn't really as hard as you try to make it sound, and the stress doesn't have to run your entire life.
I saw something that reminded me of these things.
The other day I was driving to work. As I turned on a road there were these two pit bulls and they were just lolling around in the road. Now, my initial reaction was to think, "stupid dogs, you're going to get killed" but instead of thinking "stupid dogs" i thought, "wow what it must be like to feel that carefree" I mean, think about it. first of all they were somewhat kind of puppies, which means they weren't little, but they weren't fully grown either. They don't realize that the big things with rollie wheels, can, well, hit them. and...sadly..kill them. they are so carefree, and just wagging their tails, and they made it across the street, after playing in it for thirty seconds, and I just sat there patiently, watching them, and i chuckled to myself. Because even though I am as stressed out as I am, I do the exact same thing. There are times where I am just so much into my own little world, that I am oblivious to the danger that surrounds me. I think we all kind of do that. But I don't think it is a bad thing.. If we are constantly all the time worried, and looking over our shoulders... we live life in fear. Its good to just be carefree sometimes. its great actually. As I drove away I smiled for once and just had this sense of peace and relaxation. it was nice.
very nice.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I shall return.

"You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair"

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