Tuesday, October 13, 2009


i can't sleep.
which is quite funny because i have to be at school tomorrow at 745 so i can get my thighs pinched and figure out if i need more excercise.
and then my long day of wednsday begins. i am just ready for this week to be over, which is funny because i dont quite know where monday and tuesday went for that matter. have you noticed that college goes by SO fast? well, it does... its funny because i was this quiet girl who sat in all of my classes, some call it shy, i call it just keeping to myself, and then now i have a whole table in french class to whom i enjoy talking to. and in choir, you know i honestly wasn't expecting much out of choir, because i thought nothing could be like what i had in heritage singers, i was even told that college choir wouldn't be like high school choir, but i disagree... yeah its a lot more stricter, and i seem to keep getting in trouble with talking... im honestly the only one who gets caught i swear... but anyways, other than that, its just like highschool... you know, where to us its a family..and to others its a cult.
anyways, the reason i am so ready for this week to be over, is because everyone has decided to quite at my job, which if you didn't know, i work at lees chicken. if you dont know where that is, ask me, id love for you to come and see me. anyways, so we have all these highschool newbies run around like a chicken with its head cut off - funny that i used the chicken expression aye? - anyways, i am going in two hours every day after my service sites to help train these ducks, and its quite tiring to come home and then do homework, and now look at me... i had a full day and i can't even sleep. CURSE YOU EYELIDS! have i mentioned lately that i love my comp class? not only do i have some interesting people in there, and my proffessor reminds me of the most chill human being in the world, i mean really, she is too relaxed, i want to be like her when i grow up. coning. i believe it is one n... im going to feel bad now if i spelled it wrong... and my folder is in the floor, and even though i am not tired, i am too lazy to pick it up. back to my point, i am learning a great deal about writing and im oober excited to start my major classes, which seem so far away, and yet i seem to be zipping through college already. i mean, honestly... christmas break is coming up... and its just gone by so major fast. i dont even remember highschool going by this fast. the only thing thats gone by this fast...was kindergarden. no joke dude.

so before i leave you, i must tell you this story about this woman that came through my drive thru the other day,
she is at my window, and she decides she wants the chicken crispy;
me; mam, we really only have two types of chicken, the original recipe and the roasted
little lady; well sometimes i get the chicken and its crispier than other times
me; well mam, if you want we could drop it again for you
little lady; oh no i wouldn't want to be a bother
me; mam its your money, its no bother at all to make sure you get what you want
little lady; oh well... dear that would be quite lovely (yes...she said lovely)
forty five seconds later
little lady; (with a complete look of fascination upon her face) look! do you see that spider? its eating that bug!
i look out the window, and this lady has noticed the smallest spider i have ever seen, it had to have been eating a gnat... and i just looked at her and smiled... she seemed so at peace... so... almost naiive in a way... i can't really explain it. but she just really made me smile. i have not had the best couple of days, and just hearing and seeing this little old ladys reaction to this simple thing such as a spider eating a bug... it just really enlightened me...

never take things for granted.
always be fascinated by the little things.
everything is beautiful.

thoreau said "Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain."

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