Monday, October 5, 2009

Its called culture people.

"Peace cannot be kept by force it can only be achieved by understanding.Peace cannot be kept by force it can only be achieved by understanding."
-all i have to say to this, is how can one understand, unless he takes the time to listen.

One of the many reasons i love maryville college is the fact there are so many DIFFERENT people. I am talking different as in race, background, and culture. If I was standing in front of a maryville college council, i picture this as being like a knight before the round table requesting something, only, picture you are in front of a bunch of really smart professors and you have no where to go, you are just stuck in the middle. so here i am in this circle, and the maryville college council asks me, "miss caitlin whaley, you can only pick one group of friends to hang out with..." and then they start listing off all these groups, i would stand up straight look them in the eye, and reply "i pick the international group"

this may sound silly to you, but honestly, these students are rad as can be. I am friends with a girl named Jacquelyn Brady, and she is from Ireland, and she cracks me up! i really can't wait to actually hang out with her outside of french class. haha. she needs to initiate me into her little international group of friends, i think they are all really awesome. just because they are different.
there was a girl who came to MLK, and she was from BRAZIL, i happen to think that a brazil chick is cool, because i have never met anyone from brazil, well, until that day.
i guess this is on my mind, because today for my FRS class we did... tai chi. and i will admit, at first i didn't feel up to it, i was tired. but i got in there, and this woman was telling the background of it, and what it stood for, and i thought it was cool, and i really wish it was still a class at maryville, because i would most definitely take it!
anyways, what really kind of irritated me, was there were some students making fun of the woman, and it irritated me because here she was sharing some culture with us, and instead of taking it as, "hey someone is trying to go out of their schedules to teach us something different and new" it was like they were saying, "okay, this is different, and its weird because we aren't use to it, our culture isn't use to this, so i am going to ignore the significance"
and to me, thats being ...well...dumb... we shouldn't look at other cultures and think just because it is different, that that makes it weird. we should look at it as an opportunity to not only learn, but to embrace other cultures. to show that "HEY! we americans do care" not the other thing which is... we americans are going to laugh at you...

i find cultures amazingly beautiful, and inspiring in a way.

1 comment:

  1. Caitlin, you are adorable.....
    I'd see you outside of French if you wren't sucha a busy bee :)

    Love Eire x
