Monday, September 28, 2009


i want freedom for the full expression of my personality - Ghandi.

love that quote,

okay so hopefully this is the only bad news i get for the rest of the week.

story time;

i worked sunday night, and decided i was major tired, so instead of going to my friend's dorm to do dress up night, (the theme was chicago ;p) i decided i was going to go home and get some sleep.

oh FYI. my friends ashley and katie over in davis have dress up night every sunday night. one week they had german night, where they dressed up like german women, it was quite impressive if i do say so myself.

anyways, of course, my luck i get on the tartan to find out that i have to read 107 pages of bless me ultima by the following day.

see, i am actually a good student, and we were required to read three cups of tea in my FRS class as well, and i finished that book in three days because it was really good, but thinking i was ahead of the game i hadn't started the bless me ultima book yet.

well...big mistake way to go dumbhead caitlin.

so instead of getting to go to bed at ten, caitlin got to go to bed at eleven thirty. but the first 107 pages of bless me ultima was wicked good, and i really enjoyed reading it.

so i shut my pretty little sleepy lids, and my eyes aren't shut for thirty seconds when i hear,

"YOU THE TYPE A GIRL THAT WANNA CHEW UP ALL MY BUBBLE GUM" well, this is whitney's ringtone, my bestfriend, so i answer the phone, and i hear, "caitlin...i have some bad news"

so i kinda shift my head a little so i can hear her better and reply with a, "oh good grief what happened"... then of course there is silence on the phone... "Zumi died"

zumi dori. my fish. whitney had a fish named stanley, and as you know you dont have many pets to choose from in the dorm rooms. because of people's allergies and such. so whitney had a pet fish named stanley, and he died becaues the water was nasty, so we went fish shopping and i picked this really pretty freckled fish who i named zumi, after a tree, and dori, after finding nemo, because he would swim upside down and act a fool, and it reminded me of dori. thus zumi dori.

and now, there is no more zumi dori.

she goes on to explain to me that she came in and sat down to do her paper, and ashley and katie came in to show her their chicago makeup, and they asked how the fish were...and well, whitneys new fish stanley jr. was just plain dandy.

mine, was just plain dead.

sad sad day.


  1. Miss Caitlin Whaley..You are a wonderful bloggess! :) Wow, I still can't believe you blogged about the German women and chicago girls; but it was a very interesting night...anyway I am very sorry about Zumi, but know he had a good burial! Keep blogging because they are funny and well-written! Love you Whaley!!

  2. i want that song... just so you know!!!!!!!

    but thanks.

    cough...myfishwascoolerthanwhitneys...cough ;p

  3. Caitlin this blog was very inspiring...keep truckin' truly are something special!
